
#1 in RC Parkjet Plans



We recently had a site visitor suggust we post a link to a new FREE CAD software location out there on the internet. 

Martin wrote:

"Thought I would share a new and very cool Free CAD package made by a very respectable CAD software supplier. Its called DraftSight, made by - yup, Dassault Systemes!

How cool is that - a 100% AutoCAD compatible piece of free CAD (that even writes and reads DWG's) made by the company whose main order of business is actual jet fighters !

Please do post a link on the site, I am sure the other guys will love it.

It is an awesome piece of code, but it requires modern resources - nothing less than a Core 2 Duo with 2GB of RAM will do, running Win XP. Works really well in 7."
So there you go folks, a new piece of great CAD software.